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Handlers in general are user provided objects to algorithms which allow to take control over certain aspects of the algorithm and stopping the computation if given criteria are met. Especially the computationally expensive algorithms like SAT and MaxSAT Solving, knowledge compilation, formula simplification, or MUS computation take handlers. You can either use one of the handlers which are implemented in LogicNG or implement your own handler. The hierarchy of the classes and interfaces in the package handlers is here:

  Handler <|-- DnnfCompilationHandler
  Handler <|-- SATHandler
    SATHandler <|-- TimeoutSATHandler
  Handler <|-- MaxSATHandler
    MaxSATHandler <|-- TimeoutMaxSATHandler
  Handler <|-- FactorizationHandler
  Handler <|-- OptimizationHandler
    OptimizationHandler <|-- TimeoutOptimizationHandler
  Handler <|-- BDDHandler
    BDDHandler <|-- TimeoutBDDHandler
  Handler <|-- ModelEnumerationHandler
    ModelEnumerationHandler <|-- TimeoutModelEnumerationHandler
  Handler <|-- ComputationHandler
    ComputationHandler <|-- TimeoutHandler
    ComputationHandler <|-- NumberOfNodesBDDHandler
    ComputationHandler <|-- NumberOfModelsHandler
  TimeoutHandler <|.. TimeoutSATHandler
  TimeoutHandler <|.. TimeoutMaxSATHandler
  TimeoutHandler <|.. TimeoutOptimizationHandler
  TimeoutHandler <|.. TimeoutBDDHandler
  TimeoutHandler <|.. TimeoutModelEnumerationHandler

The interface Handler has two methods which can be overridden:

  1. aborted() returns whether the computation was aborted or not
  2. started() is called whenever the computation is started and can be used to initialize the handler

A number of interfaces implement the Handler. The handler you're using has to implement the relevant interface, depending on what sort of computation you are performing.

These are the top level handler interfaces:

  • FactorizationHandler is an interface for handling factorization methods for normal forms (CNF, DNF). It has two methods: performedDistristibution() is called each time a distribution is performed, createdClause() is called each time a new clause is created.
  • SATHandler is an interface for handling the solving process of a SAT solver. detectedConflict() is called each time a conflict is found, and finishedSolving() is called when the SAT solver finished solving.
  • MaxSATHandler is an interface for handling the solving process of a Max-SAT solver. It has itself a SATHandler which is used for its underlying SAT solver and provides the two methods foundUpperBound() and foundLowerBound() which are called whenever a new upper or lower bound is found in the solving process as well as the two methods lowerBoundApproximation() and upperBoundApproximation() which return the current approximation of the lower/upper bound of the problem. These methods can e.g. be used to abort the computation when a certain bound is found or to return the current bound when the computation is aborted.
  • BDDHandler is an interface for BDD compilation handlers. The method newRefAdded() is called every time a new node reference is added to the BDD kernel.
  • DnnfCompilationHandler is an interface for DNNF compilation handlers. The method shannonExpansion() is called each time a Shannon expansion is performed.
  • ModelEnumerationHandler is an interface for (projected) model enumeration on the SAT solver with the ModelEnumerationFunction. It has its own SATHandler for its underlying SAT solver as well as a method foundModel which is called every time a model is found.
  • OptimizationHandler is an interface for optimizations on the SAT solver. It has a SATHandler for its underlying SAT solver as well as the method foundBetterBound which is called every time a new better bound for the optimization problem is found. It is used in the OptimizationFunction of the SAT solver and in internal optimization calls in the AdvancedSimplifier .

Some Useful Handlers Implemented in LogicNG

All handlers implemented in LogicNG inherit from the abstract class ComputationHandler. There are three classes extending the ComputationHandler:

  1. TimeoutHandler for aborting computations based on their computation time.
  2. NumberOfNodesBDDHandler for aborting BDD generations based on the number of generated nodes in the kernel.
  3. NumberOfModelsHandler for aborting model enumerations based on the number of enumerated model.

The TimeoutHandler

The TimeoutHandler stops the computation after a specific time. The constructor of a TimeoutHandler takes a timeout in milliseconds and a TimerType, which specifies the type of the timeout. The timer types are:

  • SINGLE_TIMEOUT: The timeout is started when started() on the handler is called. Subsequent calls to started() have no effect on the timeout. Thus, the timeout can only be started once.
  • RESTARTING_TIMEOUT: The timeout is restarted when started() on the handler is called.
  • FIXED_END: Timeout which is interpreted as fixed point in time (in milliseconds) at which the computation should be aborted. The method started() must still be called, but does not have an effect on the timeout.

Handler Responsiveness

Note that it might take a few milliseconds more until the computation is actually canceled, since the cancellation depends on the next call to the handler and for performance reasons calls to the handler are only performed on certain points during the computation. For the overloaded constructor, that takes only a timeout in milliseconds, the timer type is SINGLE_TIMEOUT.

A number of classes extend the TimeoutHandler. For those classes, the interpretation of the timer type is identical. However, they implement different interfaces and can thus be used for different use cases:

The NumberOfNodesBDDHandler

The NumberOfNodesBDDHandler cancels the build process of a BDD after a given number of added nodes is reached.

The NumberOfModelsHandler

The NumberOfModelsHandler terminates the model enumeration process after a given number of models is reached. For more information see the chapter on Model counting and enumeration|.

Creating your own Handler

Consider the following example for creating an own handler. We implement a SATHandler which stops the computation after a certain number of conflicts is reached. To make our implementation easier, we extend the ComputationHandler which already provides the aborted attribute.

public class MaxNumberOfConflictsSATHandler extends ComputationHandler implements SATHandler {
    private final int maxNumberOfConflicts;
    private int numConflicts;

     * Constructs a new instance with the given maximal number of conflicts.
     * @param maxNumberOfConflicts the maximal number of conflicts limit,
     *                             if -1 then no limit is set
    public MaxNumberOfConflictsSATHandler(final int maxNumberOfConflicts) {
        this.maxNumberOfConflicts = maxNumberOfConflicts;
        this.numConflicts = 0;

    public void started() {
        this.numConflicts = 0;

    public boolean detectedConflict() {
        this.aborted = maxNumberOfConflicts != -1 && ++numConflicts >= maxNumberOfConflicts;
        return !aborted;